At Back Cove Personal Fitness, our fitness rehab specialists work with clients to improve standing and dynamic posture, refine gait mechanics, promote total body joint health, and reduce back tension.

Utilizing Postural Restoration Institute techniques as a foundation, our approach addresses total body alignment through proper muscle activation and breathing patterns. Proper posture can improve musculoskeletal and neurological function, and often reduces muscular tension and joint pain.

Stand taller. Move better.

Our Fitness Rehab Specialists employ techniques taught by the Postural Restoration Institute. The Postural Restoration Institute® (PRI) was established to explore and explain the science of postural adaptations, asymmetrical patterns and the influence of polyarticular chains of muscles.

Posture Alignment and Joint Health Pricing

90 Minute Initial Assessment: $180

1 Session: $120

5 Session Series: $535

“I have a long list of injuries from action sports when I was younger, and every time I would go to the gym to get stronger, I inevitably got injured.  Jeff showed me how many of my lingering injuries were all interrelated and caused by posture imbalances and poor breathing technique. His focus on lifting with good form was something I had never seen from any other personal trainer. These were things that I would never notice on my own, but were exactly what was causing my previous injuries in the gym. While working with Jeff I began to get stronger and lift heavier but instead of injuring myself like I did in the past, my constant neck and shoulder pain began to improve.  Jeff, I can’t thank you enough for everything you have taught me. Working with you has truly been life changing!”  -Justin Meyer